Annual reports

Find out more about how Opportunity Green has grown and developed in our annual reports.

April 2023 — March 2024

Opportunity Green’s latest annual report looks at the key achievements of our work in shipping policy and legal action and charts how we’ve developed the SASHA Coalition.

Our team has grown from 10 to 16 people during this time and we’ve continued to develop our working culture and our approach to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Download the report to read reflections from our CEO and our Chair, and find out what we’ve got planned for the future.

June 2022 — March 2023

In the nine-month period covered in this report, Opportunity Green made astounding progress. We have continued to strengthen our partnerships to ensure a just and equitable transition for the international shipping and aviation sectors, taken bold and innovative legal action, launched the SASHA Coalition, and grown our team from one to 10 staff members.

This Annual Report recounts how far Opportunity Green has come in the period June 2022 — March 2023, and charts new waters for our future.

October 2021—October 2022

Opportunity Green has had a very successful first year. With amazing people, projects and partners, Opportunity Green is on track to make significant contributions to the fight against climate change.

Our First Annual Report looks at the key milestones we achieved in our first year, how our team has grown, and the projects and partnerships we’ve worked on.